Collection: Rotary Screw Air Compressors

Rotary Screw Air Compressors (984)

Where Can I Get The Best Rotary Screw Compressors Price In The USA?

Rotary screw air compressors in the USA price is usually a bit costlier than other types of compressing machines. And for good reasons. So, it’s understandable why you would want to explore multiple offers and settle only for the best deal. 

Usually, unwarranted air compressors cost less. But we would recommend you go for the best rotary screw compressors for your factory or workshop. Keep in mind that the Rotary screw compressors price In USA is only 12% of the cost of maintaining it for a lifetime. 

You might save a little money on the first go. But the money keeps increasing in the form of repairs. Instead, try renting your rotary screw air compressor to actually avoid paying a lump sum at one go. 

And, the most reliable partner for you in this journey would be  Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, it has a huge collection of Rotary Screw Compressors to suit every one of your industrial needs. 

Brands like ElGI, Castair, and FsCurtis have partnered up with our decades-old air compressor-selling company. So, you get the most affordable prices for your favorite rotary screw compressors without the fear of any scam.

How Do You Pick The Right Rotary Screw Compressor From Penryair?

You need to first understand how a rotary screw air compressor works. Unlike a reciprocating compressor, which operates on a 50% duty cycle, rotary screws can maintain a 100% duty cycle throughout their lifetime. 

That’s what makes Rotary screw air compressors such a good fit for industries. Even the smallest rotary screw air compressor at Penryair, with only a 5 HP capacity, would work more efficiently than a midsize reciprocating counterpart. 

Still, that doesn’t mean you should neglect the CFM or PSI of the rotary screw compressors while buying. Here’s a quick guide to help you out.

1. Heavy Duty Industrial Compressors

Industrial air compressors should have a capacity between 40 HP and 50 HP. Majority of manufacturing and packaging work can be accomplished within this power range. 

 But if you want to keep "a little room to grow,” you can go with the ElGi EN series, which caps out at 50 HP.  At Penryair you can get an array of powerful and heavyduty compressors within $14,000 to $20,000.

Do visit Penryair to check the details of every industrial rotary screw model.

2. Midsize Workshop Compressors

Midsize rotary screw compressors are equally efficient for light to heavy production needs in your workshop. You can choose the oil-lubricated version to save some extra bucks, as you don’t have to maintain industry-standard air quality. 

The EN15 from Elgi EN series can maintain 20 HP, which is more than enough for your personal needs. And, the best thing is at Penryair you can pick a midsize rotary screw compressor within $15,000.

3. Portable Rotary Screw Air Compressors

Usually, small and compact rotary screw-type air compressors are the ideal choice due to easier portability. But at Omaha Pneumatics, we have some of the most high-performing yet lightweight air rotary screw air compressors.

The  Castair 3 phase and ElGi EN04 give you 5 HP and 4 HP accordingly. You can easily tow them to mining fields or remote construction sites. And, they are priced at below the $10,000 mark at Penryair.  

What To Look For In Industrial Rotary Screw Air Compressors?

Industrial rotary screw air compressors prices can be anywhere from $13,000 to $120,000. So, it only makes sense to do your research diligently before committing to a particular one. 

Here are some things to consider.


Rotary screw compressors are usually energy efficient. That helps you save on the electricity bill every month. 

Still, you should be extra cautious and check the model’s energy consumption per hour. It gives you an estimate of how much you will have to spend on bills later on.

2. Air Quality

For specific industries like pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics, you need to abide by the air quality standard. Oil-lubricated compressors should be avoided for such sectors, as they might manipulate the air purity inside the manufacturing room and degrade the production quality.

3. Noise

Also, check whether the compressor is noisy. Trust me, it might not seem like a big issue now, but having a noisy machine in a limited space for eight straight hours every day can cause serious havoc for everyone working there.

Why Choose Penryair For Rotary Screw Air Compressors

Whether you want a rotary screw air compressor for sale or rent, Penryair has got you covered. You get a quote from the online customer care team almost immediately after filling out a small form. 

You just have to describe the sector of work and intention and get a recommendation from the experts. It also saves you from buying a machine that might be meant for heavier work and cost too much. 

Apart from the obvious, here are more reasons you should consider it.

1. All-In-One Stop

Penryair is your all-in-one stop for your air compressor. Here’s the product page to check out the variety provided for each type of compressor. 

All of the most sought-after industrial units, from affordable 5HP models to some of the most sought-after, are listed here. 

And if you are a DIY freak and want to customize the model yourself to expand capacity, you will get the required parts from this very shop including air fitting pipes, metal hoses, couplers, etc. 

2. Experts Consultation

A team of experts will install the air compressor for you. So you don’t have to deal with any inconvenience later. Plus, if you require any additional gears to extract the highest efficiency from a rotary screw compressor, the EPA-certified team at Penryair is only a phone call away. Just call- (+1) 877-388-4111 or visit the website to contact their customer support team.

3. Massive Collection Within Affordable Range

When we think of an affordable brand, we think of limited options. But not at Penryair. It’s probably the only e-commerce platform with such a huge collection of air compressors from different categories and brands. 

Take the ElGi EN15V, for example. At Penryair, you will find multiple versions of this very affordable mid-size rotary screw compressor, including a Base-mount, a Tank-mount, and an electric style.